Dork, temporarilly sets aside his anti semitism and deigns to play with other jews in PA, MD, VA (DC)
Friday, December 16, 2005
December 22, 2005
Tin Angel, 20 S. Second Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 928-0770
Showtimes 7:30 and 10 p.m., tickets $12
With special guest Adam Brodsky & Carla Ulbrich
Monday, December 26, 2005
Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22305
(703) 549-7500
Showtime 7:30 p.m., tickets $17.50
With special guests Eric Schwartz and Adam Brodsky
Tuesday December 27, 2005
Rams Head Tavern, 33 West Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 268-4545
Showtime 8 p.m., tickets $22.50
With special guests Eric Schwartz and Adam Brodsky
howdy dorkateers,
i know its been a while, but thing are really cookin now over here at PRHQ, after the new year there will be some real news, but if i tell you now, it will make your lord's birthday seem downright insignificant so instead i'll break you off a piece of vitriol with a side of adolescenint 3...2...1...liftoff
now that the holiday season has erupted like a canker sore on ron mexico's junk* and even the most secular of christians feels free to walk the streets with yuletide impunity dishing out the merry christmases like tech stock options circa 1998, like the flooding of the nile, i am filled with the annual ambivilence, do i simply and politely decline their wish of a merry christmas with a cheerful "no thank you" or do i punch them in their fucking face.
"i have no idea, i mean sure he looked reall jew-y but not israeli so i didn't feel like i was in any danger, and then i said merry christmas and he just fucking lost it kicking and pulling hair and eye gouging and shreiking and then i swear he tried to put me in a figure 4 leg-lock, like i was chief jay strongbow and he was greg valentine or something**"
but in reality there is only one option, and its a 2 parter.
component, the first,
piss and moan to everyone you know about horrors of the season, explain that its not a kyke thing, cause you hate chanukkah even more than xmas. stupid little holiday blown all out of proportion so eliot moskowitz doesn't have to go giftless.
and component the second
get invited to play on a few of Sean Altman and Rob Tannenbaum's "what i like about jew shows" they are really fun shows to play, and to watch. you don't have to be a jew to enjoy them. in fact its prolly better if you're not, cause you've no doubt grown up jealous of we beautiful people with our large luxurious noses, and our exotic diets and rituals. Long after your xmas morning orgy is but a memory and some Land's End store credit, we red sea pedestrians are still opening gifts. Pencil sharpeners, hot wheels and socks, the staples offerings of days 5-8. now you can get up close and personal, get a peek into a life so foreign that it hardly seems human.
and you better do it now, cause when this mortal coil we both surrender, you're gonna be up in heaven with the your god*** while I and everyone in the friars club are gonna be eating gefilte fish in level 7 with maimonides, einstein, and Fonzie, counting down the days till natalie portman joins us.
anyway, i've rambled long enough, but if you happen to be anywhere near Philadelphia, Baltimore or DC you should come to one, two or three of these shows,
the show specifics can be found below (or above for that matter)
also, you might think about getting tickets before hand, these shows often sell out because we rock that hard.
*if you're some sort of rabid falcons fan, like mc hammer or something, you can substitute robin williams, but lemme warn you, everything becomes less funny once you add him.
**the chink in this stories armor is that i would never stike a fellow fan of old school wrestling. y'know, bob backlund, bruno samartino, ivan putzki, back before it was fake.
***the last jew allowed in BTW
December 22, 2005
Tin Angel, 20 S. Second Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 928-0770
Showtimes 7:30 and 10 p.m., tickets $12
With special guest Adam Brodsky & Carla Ulbrich
Monday, December 26, 2005
Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22305
(703) 549-7500
Showtime 7:30 p.m., tickets $17.50
With special guests Eric Schwartz and Adam Brodsky
Tuesday December 27, 2005
Rams Head Tavern, 33 West Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 268-4545
Showtime 8 p.m., tickets $22.50
With special guests Eric Schwartz and Adam Brodsky
December 22, 2005
Tin Angel, 20 S. Second Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 928-0770
Showtimes 7:30 and 10 p.m., tickets $12
With special guest Adam Brodsky & Carla Ulbrich
Monday, December 26, 2005
Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22305
(703) 549-7500
Showtime 7:30 p.m., tickets $17.50
With special guests Eric Schwartz and Adam Brodsky
Tuesday December 27, 2005
Rams Head Tavern, 33 West Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 268-4545
Showtime 8 p.m., tickets $22.50
With special guests Eric Schwartz and Adam Brodsky
howdy dorkateers,
i know its been a while, but thing are really cookin now over here at PRHQ, after the new year there will be some real news, but if i tell you now, it will make your lord's birthday seem downright insignificant so instead i'll break you off a piece of vitriol with a side of adolescenint 3...2...1...liftoff
now that the holiday season has erupted like a canker sore on ron mexico's junk* and even the most secular of christians feels free to walk the streets with yuletide impunity dishing out the merry christmases like tech stock options circa 1998, like the flooding of the nile, i am filled with the annual ambivilence, do i simply and politely decline their wish of a merry christmas with a cheerful "no thank you" or do i punch them in their fucking face.
"i have no idea, i mean sure he looked reall jew-y but not israeli so i didn't feel like i was in any danger, and then i said merry christmas and he just fucking lost it kicking and pulling hair and eye gouging and shreiking and then i swear he tried to put me in a figure 4 leg-lock, like i was chief jay strongbow and he was greg valentine or something**"
but in reality there is only one option, and its a 2 parter.
component, the first,
piss and moan to everyone you know about horrors of the season, explain that its not a kyke thing, cause you hate chanukkah even more than xmas. stupid little holiday blown all out of proportion so eliot moskowitz doesn't have to go giftless.
and component the second
get invited to play on a few of Sean Altman and Rob Tannenbaum's "what i like about jew shows" they are really fun shows to play, and to watch. you don't have to be a jew to enjoy them. in fact its prolly better if you're not, cause you've no doubt grown up jealous of we beautiful people with our large luxurious noses, and our exotic diets and rituals. Long after your xmas morning orgy is but a memory and some Land's End store credit, we red sea pedestrians are still opening gifts. Pencil sharpeners, hot wheels and socks, the staples offerings of days 5-8. now you can get up close and personal, get a peek into a life so foreign that it hardly seems human.
and you better do it now, cause when this mortal coil we both surrender, you're gonna be up in heaven with the your god*** while I and everyone in the friars club are gonna be eating gefilte fish in level 7 with maimonides, einstein, and Fonzie, counting down the days till natalie portman joins us.
anyway, i've rambled long enough, but if you happen to be anywhere near Philadelphia, Baltimore or DC you should come to one, two or three of these shows,
the show specifics can be found below (or above for that matter)
also, you might think about getting tickets before hand, these shows often sell out because we rock that hard.
*if you're some sort of rabid falcons fan, like mc hammer or something, you can substitute robin williams, but lemme warn you, everything becomes less funny once you add him.
**the chink in this stories armor is that i would never stike a fellow fan of old school wrestling. y'know, bob backlund, bruno samartino, ivan putzki, back before it was fake.
***the last jew allowed in BTW
December 22, 2005
Tin Angel, 20 S. Second Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 928-0770
Showtimes 7:30 and 10 p.m., tickets $12
With special guest Adam Brodsky & Carla Ulbrich
Monday, December 26, 2005
Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22305
(703) 549-7500
Showtime 7:30 p.m., tickets $17.50
With special guests Eric Schwartz and Adam Brodsky
Tuesday December 27, 2005
Rams Head Tavern, 33 West Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 268-4545
Showtime 8 p.m., tickets $22.50
With special guests Eric Schwartz and Adam Brodsky